Never a dull moment on Staten Island! We recap eventful Island news.

Favorite Places to Hike on Staten Island:


The activity of taking lengthy walks, especially in a rural or forest setting is what is known as a hike. Staten Island is home to many trails to take a scenic walk and look at the beauty that Staten Island has to offer. Some trails vary from the Greenbelt Conservancy to High Rock Park and many more with different paths that make you want to visit over and over again.

One of the most popular hiking trails on Staten Island is the Greenbelt Conservancy. The Greenbelt Conservancy has many different trails all throughout that are highly populated. A trail named Paulo’s Peak named after Thomas A. Paulo (1947-2020), the first Greenbelt Administrator and creator of the Greenbelt Conservancy, who subsequently…

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Views from the Ferry:


The Staten Island Ferry is a passenger ferry service run by NYC’s Department of Transportation. It is a free way to travel between the boroughs of Manhattan and Staten Island. The ferry travels a single route around New York Harbor for 5.2 miles in roughly 15-20 minutes on average. The ferry is located in St. George of Staten Island and travels to Whitehall of Manhattan. The Staten Island Ferry is not necessarily only used by tourists as it is also used by commuters but there are still beautiful views that can be caught during the ride.

While traveling on the Staten Island Ferry, there are many tourist views that can be spotted during the ride. Traveling on the Ferry gives the people the opportunity to see the skyline of…

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All About the YMCA Located on Staten Island:


The YMCA is the top nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening communities by giving young people the tools they need, enhancing the health and wellbeing of people of all ages, and motivating change within and between communities. There is access to the swimming pool, basketball courts, and state of the art equipment and even group fitness classes depending on your location.nThe Staten Island YMCA has two locations across Staten Island accommodating both the people of the North Shore and the South Shore.

The Staten Island Broadway YMCA is located near Clove Lakes Park and the South Shore YMCA is located in Eltingville. The YMCA is one of the main gyms for all families. The YMCA contains many…

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About Golf Courses Located Here on the Island:


Golf is a heavily played sport on Staten Island. Staten Island has many golf courses all across the Island to learn more about each one keep reading

La Tourette Golf Course is a highly recommended course located on Richmond Hill Road. This golf course goes back all the way from 1836 and is part of Staten Island’s Greenbelt. End of May sees the yearly New York City Amateur Championship, while June sees The March of Dimes Celebrity Charity Event. This 6708-yard, par-72 course maintains a high standard to guarantee that your experience is nothing short of exceptional. It offers vistas of undulating hills and valleys as well as the charming establishment of Richmond Town. La Tourette also has the…

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Different Styles of Homes Located in Staten Island

If you took a drive around Staten Island, homes in different locations either have similar architectural styles or drastically different architectural styles. The real estate market on Staten Island is always changing. It does, however, have an excessive number of linked dwellings and patchwork properties. Staten Island is quickly becoming known as among the top five markets in the country for large, lavish, single-family houses. Architects claim that design is impacted by a location's physical characteristics, such as climate, geography, and site features, as well as its social characteristics; culture, industry, design style, or history. It's critical that their structure be seen from a certain…

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Staten Island's Very Own Purchase the Kennedy Boat

Two members of the Saturday Night Live cast, Pete Davidson and Colin Jost, took part in an auction in which a group of investors bought $280,100 for a disused ferry boat in the hopes of "restoring a piece of New York." Pete and Colin were members of a partnership that won the auction with the winning offer. Davidson and Jost teamed up with Paul Italia, the owner of a comedy club who is best known for his real estate career, in which he has been a top producer for the past seventeen years. Italia was the one who performed all of the group's bidding.

The group of purchasers has been described as a collection of like-minded New York City locals, with Davidson and Jost becoming involved because…

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NYC’s First Outlet Mall; BFC’s Empire Outlets, heads into Foreclosure

Empire Outlets is an outdoor retail mall on Staten Island's north shore. It boasts an oceanfront view and is directly next to the ferry. Unfortunately, the BFC partners and major lenders at Goldman Sachs and Sterling National Bank have all decided to foreclose on the property.

The 340,000-square-foot mall will remain open for the time being, but due to the pandemic, the project began missing loan repayments to the New York City Economic Development Corporation around the midpoint of 2020, with more than half of its storefronts remaining vacant and ferry rides to the island at an all-time low, down 65 percent from the previous year.

While the empire outlets may appear…

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Former Real Estate Agent and Now CEO Gives Back to the Staten Island Community Once Again

SG Blocks “reduces the cost and carbon footprint of any construction project.” They build greener with their 100% recycled and repurposed materials, they also have a fast turnaround time as their construction period is reduced by 40%. They build for less; SG Blocks projects end up saving you 10 to even 20% on construction costs. The CEO of SG Blocks is Paul Galvin, a Staten Island resident who brings 25 years of experience in real estate and developing projects. Galvin’s real estate experience includes residential condominiums, luxurious sales, market rate, and low-cost rental complexes.

Due to Paul Galvin’s persistence and his hard work, his company was…

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Incredibly Blessed To Live On Staten Island!

As we plunge into the holiday season, it's all about giving back to those in need. A dojo in Eltingville knows this spirit of charity better than anyone else. 

Earlier this month, Bushido Dojo of the South Shore hosted its annual throw-a-thon. Sensei David Goodwin started this fundraiser 8 years ago to help the nonprofit organization, Incredibly Blessed. This event devotes a day for martial arts students to complete as many judo throws as possible within 60 seconds. Sponsors pledged donations per throw, ranging from a quarter all the way to $10. According to the organization's founder, Annmarie Cotello, Incredibly Blessed is working with Staten Island University Hospital to provide toys, games, and…

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Tom Crimmins Realty Presents $1000 To P.S. 53

P.S. 53January 29th, 2019, marked the the beginning of the, first ever, "Tom Crimmins Realty - $1000 School Spirit Giveaway!" It was a social media contest devised by the realty firm to give any school's athletic program on Staten Island (excluding High School and Colleges) an opportunity to win $1000. Tom Crimmins Realty began this contest with two goals in mind - to promote school spirit, and connectivity within the schools, as well as, to promote a sense of community around Staten Island. Judging by the results of the contest, it would be safe to say that their goals were reached. The Facebook and Instagram competition, which could've been found on the company's respective social media pages…

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